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Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Historical daily unit prices

Look back at historical data for any of our investment options. Simply choose the account type, investment option and investment period to see the relevant daily unit prices.

Past performance is not an indication of future performance.

6 December 2023 Cash Unit Price adjustment

We have applied a small adjustment to the 6 December 2023 unit price for the Cash option in the Brighter Super products. The adjustment was the result of a unit price being overstated in October 2023 and as a result the unit price between the 5 and 6 of December 2023 was reduced by 0.011% for the accumulation and Transition to Retirement (TTR) cash option and 0.0125% for the pension cash option. This adjustment ensures members benefits invested in the cash option are correctly valued. We are investigating the cause of the overstatement and if any members have been negatively impacted during the period. We will notify any members impacted and compensate their accounts.

Please note that on 11 August 2022 the Brighter Super investment options for Transition to Retirement (TTR) Pension accounts were closed and replaced with the Brighter Super Accumulation options.

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